Greater Sudbury Heritage Tour

Greater Sudbury's history begins as a small outpost for the Canadian Pacific Railway. In 1883, as the transcontinential railway was nearing completion, blasting in an area now known as the Sudbury Basin revealed high concentrations of nickel deposits. Much like the well-documented American gold rushes, this nickel discovery brought in a flood of European settlers, who wanted to reap the rewards of mining. By the end of the railroad construction in 1884, Sudbury's population had exploded and for years afterward the region became a mining hotbed. 

Mining quickly overtook the region's primary industry, logging, but also suffered considerable booms and busts with supply and demand. In WWI, the mines resurged with the demand of nickel for artillery. The city also recovered more quickly than others from the Great Depression of the 1930s - again due to the demand for nickel. Of course, this heavy mining also carried an environmental cost and almost all plant life was killed. The area became famous for its black-coated rocks and acid rain. But this has all changed. 

Today Greater Sudbury refers to a conglomeration of regions including Walden, Valley East, and Onaping Falls. Sudbury has also worked tirelessly on restoring its natural habitat. But it has not lost sight of its history. A visit here will provide you with amazing oppoturnities not found elsewhere. Go underground into a mine to witness a day in the life of a miner, visit several on-site museums with artifacts from mining ghost towns, or hike the basin to see its many natural geological wonders. 

To read up on the area and the people who settled here long ago, check out Oiva Saarinen's Between A Rock and a Hard Place - a detailed history of the Finnish population that helped build the region into what it is today. Also worth reading is Matthew Heidl's novel The City Still Breathing - which begins with a strange murder in the town. 

Other Tours to Consider: 
Northern Ontario Silver and Gold Mining Tour


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