Greig's Caves

Located on the East Coast of the Bruce Peninsula, Greig's Caves provide you the opportunity to check out ten limestone caves that are part of the Niagara Escarpment. The caves were formed by Lake Algonquin's postglacial wave action over 7,000 years ago. As water levels in the region underwent change, softer limestone eroded with the water action, leaving magnificent overhanging cliffs at various points along the shore.

Inland, where erosion has cut more deeply, caves such as Greig’s Caves have formed. Once at the same water level as Georgian Bay, dramatic changes in water levels place them two hundred and fifty feet above. A popular tourist attraction, portions of the famous Quest For Fire movie were filmed in the caves, way back in 1981. 

For maximum enjoyment, be sure to bring good hiking shoes, flashlights for some of the darker cave areas, and of course binoculars. The park is a privately owned enterprise so admissions fees do apply. 


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