

Owen Sound's Literary Spirit

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There wasn’t an ounce of hesitation when we asked Maryann Thomas, owner and publisher of Ginger Press, who her favourite Canadian authors were. Having published his D.B. Murphy detective series, Richard Thomas was the first writer that popped into her mind.

D.B. Murphy may be a well-known character to the readers of Owen Sound and the surrounding Grey & Bruce County area, but it’s Thomas himself, the man behind the case-cracking protagonist, who is beloved in the community.

Kids Can Press Partners with ONEXONE

Kids Can Press has partnered with ONEXONE to raise funds for children’s charities with David J. Smith’s new book, This Child, Every Child. The partnership was announced on Saturday, September 11th at ONEXONE gala at the Toronto International Film Festival.

From our friends at Kids Can Press:

Agent’s Corner: Do.It.Yourself Editing: Preparing the perfect manuscript for submission

Literary Agent Samantha Haywood discusses the importance of a well-edited manuscript. Writers, readers, Samantha would love to answer your questions. Please post them in the 'Post a comment' section at the bottom of the article.

By Samantha Haywood