Trillium Book Award Author Readings June 16

The WAR Series: Writers As Readers, with Don Gutteridge

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The WAR Series (Writers As Readers) gives writers an opportunity to talk about the books that shaped them, from first loves to new favourites.

Don Gutteridge is the author of 40 books, including the captivating Marc Edwards series. These historical suspense novels are set in the North American colonies in the years surrounding the 1837 rebellions. The most recent installment is Bloody Relations (Simon & Schuster), which fids Marc Edwards scouring old Toronto for answers to a murder that threatens to undermine the fragile union of Upper and Lower Canada.

In today's WAR interview, Don tells us about treasure, expectations and mischief.


The WAR Series, Writers as Readers

The first book I remember reading on my own:
Treasure Island (Stevenson)

A book that made me cry:
Clara Callan (Wright)

The first adult book I read:
An historical novel by Mika Waltari

A book that made me laugh out loud:
A Leaven of Malice (Davies)

The book I have re-read many times:
Several Dickens novels

A book I feel like I should have read, but haven't:
War and Peace

The book I would give my seventeen year old self, if I could:
No Great Mischief (McCleod)

The best book I read in the past six months:
The Path to Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Vol II (Caro)

The book I plan on reading next:
Standing in Another Man’s Grave (Ian Rankin)

A possible title for my autobiography:
Coming Home

Don Gutteridge is the author of 40 books: fiction, poetry and scholarly works. He taught high school for seven years and then joined the Faculty of Education at Western University in the Department of English Methods. He is now professor emeritus and lives in London, Ontario.

For more information about Bloody Relations please visit the Simon & Schuster website.

Buy this book at your local independent bookstore or online at Chapters/Indigo or Amazon.

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