Trillium Book Award Author Readings June 16

The WAR Series: Writers as Readers, with Jeremy Colangelo

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The WAR Series (Writers As Readers) is our newest interview series at Open Book, and gives writers an opportunity to talk about the books that shaped them, from first loves to new favourites.

Jeremy Colangelo is a London writer and poet, as well as a former Open Book: Ontario Editorial Intern. He is the author of four chapbooks including the recently released chapbook Smile (Ribbon Pig). Smile is a unique short story about a call-centre worker, Aditi, as she goes about her day-to-day work. The chapbook not only demonstrates the dehumanizing effect that the interaction between a call-centre worker and a customer can have, but it also portrays both these people in a sympathetic light. Today, he tells us about the famous Edgar Allan Poe poem that was among his first adult-level reading, the well-known children’s book he read as a four-year-old and the Ezra Pound volume waiting on his to-read pile.


The WAR Series, Writers as Readers

The first book I remember reading on my own:
The earliest book that I can specifically remember reading is The Cat in the Hat when I was (I think) about four.

A book that made me cry:
Elie Wiesel's Night is probably the saddest book I have ever read.

The first adult book I read:
I have no idea, but I vaguely remember reading Poe's "The Raven" out of a book when I was about seven, so let's go with that.

A book that made me laugh out loud:
The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde.

The book I have re-read many times:
Ulysses by James Joyce.

A book I feel like I should have read, but haven't:
A complete volume of Ezra Pound's Cantos currently sits on top of one of my "to-read" piles, taunting me without end.

The book I would give my 17-year-old self, if I could:
Infinite Jest — it would have been nice to have read some David Foster Wallace before he died.

The best book I read in the past six months:
Best book that I re-read: The Last Samurai by Helen DeWitt.
Best book that I read for the first time: The Double Hook by Sheila Watson.

The book I plan on reading next:
Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather O'Neil.

A possible title for my autobiography:
"The Autobiography of Jeremy Colangelo" and Other Fictions.

Jeremy Colangelo is an author currently living in London, Ontario. He is the author of four chapbooks, including Smile (Ribbon Pig) and the upcoming Kingfisher, Fisher King (Grey Borders). His work has appeared in several magazines, including The Dalhousie Review, Popshot Magazine and ditch. He has recently completed a novel.

For more information about Smile please visit the Ribbon Pig website.

Buy this book at the Kasini House Art Shop.

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