Your HA&L Editors Have Eloped!

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Congratulations to Hamilton Arts & Letters editors Paul Lisson and Fiona Kinsella, who recently married at the beautiful La Jardinere Flower Market on Hamilton's Locke Street. (You can read about the day here.) The joyful couple still had time to publish the Summer Special Insert of their magazine, which features the video "George Grant: The Beautiful, The True, and The Good" by R. Bruce Elder, an article by Louis Greenspan about George Grant as a public intellectual and philosopher, and a photography portfolio by Peter Stevens about the potential for St. Mark’s Anglican Church to be used as a new arts facility.

You'll find your HA&L Special Summer Insert here.

1 comment

Honeymoon - Day One: Editors put wedding clothes back on and go to Dundas. Eat rice balls in Fazari's Cucina parking lot.

Think: "Wow! Wouldn't it be swell if OPEN BOOK ONTARIO announced our wedding."


Honeymoon photos:

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