The Robber Bride

McClelland&Stewart Limited (1999)

The Robber Bride was first published in 1993. Set in present day Toronto, Ontario, the novel follows three women, Roz, Charis, and Tony, who meet once a month at a resturant where they share a meal. During one of these outings, the three women see an old classmate, Zenia, creating an onset of memories through the perspectives of the women.

Zenia lied and stole from the three women, and they all figured out that the stories that she told them were all different and all false. Throughout the novel, it is unclear whether or not the incidences were believed to be cruel, with Zenia in fact acting as a sort of guardian to the three, saving them from making mistakes in their lives by often taking the fall for them. It can also be interpreted that Zenia only acted for herself, looking for personal gain at the expense of the three. Ultimately, the betrayals that Zenia committed, whether done out of cruelty or kindness, brought the three together, solidifying their friendships with each other.


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