Courage and Compassion: Ten Canadians Who Made a Difference

Owlkids Books (2008)

There are many great Canadians who deserve recognition for what they have done for the nation and its people. This book profiles ten of these individuals who rose above with their courage and compassion, protecting the things that we as a community and as a nation hold close to our hearts. These heroes are men, women and even children throughout four hundred years of this nation's history who deserve our attention and our admiration.

Young minds will be educated by the stories of Jeanne Mance, Josiah Henson, Nellie McClung, Lester B. Pearson, Roger Obata, June Callwood, Judy Feld Carr, Elijah Harper, Craig Kielburger, and Hannah Taylor in efforts to teach the plights and the achievements over health care, slavery, equal rights, education, poverty, Native rights, racism and child labour. These stories will not only educate, but also shape young minds to the power of voice and the reality behind being a hero.


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